Best Exercises for Hips

What’s my secret for fit, strong, shapely legs? Hard-hitting hip exercises! Having strong and flexible hips is essential for everyday activities like walking, running, climbing stairs, and even sitting. It can also help improve your workout performance by improving balance and power. There are many exercises that can help you strengthen your hips, from bodyweight exercises to those using weights or resistance bands. Let’s look at some of the best hip strengthening exercises to give you stronger and more flexible hips.


One great workout for strengthening the hips is squats. Squats target all the major muscles in your lower body including glutes (butt), quads (thighs) as well as hamstrings which make up a large part of the hip area. Start with feet shoulder-width apart then slowly lower yourself into a squat position while keeping your back straight and core tight throughout the movement before returning to standing position again repeating 10-15 times depending on ability level.

squat exercises for hips


Another exercise that works wonders for building strength in the hips is lunges. Lunges work similar muscles as squats but with an added challenge since they require balance too – making them especially beneficial for athletes who play sports requiring quick directional changes or explosive movements such as basketball. When doing lunges, start with your feet hip-width apart and take a big step forward while keeping your back straight. Lower yourself until the knee of your front leg is almost touching the ground before returning to standing position again and repeating on both sides for 10-15 reps each side depending on ability level. Incorporating these exercises into your workout routine two or three times per week should help you build strength in the hips as well as improve balance and power when playing sports or engaging in daily activities.

lunge exercises for hips


For those looking for an extra challenge, step-ups are a great workout. Step-ups involve stepping up onto a raised platform such as a bench or box, and then stepping back down again with the same leg. This workout helps to build strength in the hips while also engaging your core muscles for balance and stability. Start by finding an appropriate height – usually around knee-height is suitable – then stand in front of it and step up one foot at a time before returning to standing position again repeating 10 times on each side for 3 sets.

step up excercises for hips


For an extra challenge, try clamshell exercises. Clamshells are a great workout for strengthening the hips and glutes while also engaging your core muscles. To do them, start by lying on one side with both legs bent at 90 degrees. Keep your feet together and spine straight as you lift the top leg towards the ceiling while keeping your bottom leg still before returning to starting position again repeating 10 times each side for 3 sets. This workout will help to build stability in the hips while also improving balance and power when playing sports or engaging in daily activities.

Give it a try! By incorporating these hip-strengthening exercises into your workout routine two or three times per week, you can build strength in the hips and improve balance and power for everyday activities. Whether it’s squats, lunges, step-ups, or clamshells that work best for you, make sure to give them a try! With regular practice of these workouts, you’ll be able to see improved flexibility and strength in no time. So don’t wait any longer – get out there today and start strengthening those hips!

By: Brittney Anderson

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